Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Modest Goals for My Blog

  1. To organize & share my ideas, links, and resources with family and friends.
  2. To create a "virtual" community of like-minded "modest-istas"!
  3. To have fun learning new techniques and technologies for communicating.
  4. To express myself creatively.
  5. To influence manufacturers and retailers with our "collective" voice.

Realize that this is a public space. If you'd rather send a private comment, please email me at I want to create an uncluttered space that is values-added and value-added for everyone. Together, this blog will grow and prosper. Also, although I may not directly reply to every post; please realize that I compile comments and will use the feedback for future posts. For example, I've had several friends ask about the challenges of dressing children. Trust me, I will post on this topic. Stay tuned. Thanks for visiting. Ciao, Dena

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